
Things have obviously been very quiet lately, but there is good news! Some old songs are on the way to be mastered and we should be playing some more gigs with the original line up. Everythings very early at this stage, but who knows what could happen. Take care all :)

Posted by : Jon X

::2007 END OF AN ERA::

Unfortunately Geko have come to the end of the line. Various commitments by us all have meant we've not had the time to put as much in to the band as we'd all like. It's not all gloom though, Jon and Hannah will be continuing with a new project in the new year. Watch this space for details!

All songs recorded by the band are are available on the songs page. Also, there is a video documentary of our 2006 activity with emergenza. This is available for download here.

A final huge thank you to the band - You all rock dudes!, Valley Studios, Winchester Massive, Every other band we've ever played with - I can't think of a bad word to say about any of you. But most of all, thank you to everyone who has supported us by coming to see us play. We've all been absolutely blown away by your support and it means more to us than you can ever know.

For now, that's all except to say - Watch this space next year :)

Posted by : Jon XXXXXXXX


Venue: The Green Man
Date: December 1st
The GEKO Xmas party

Mulled wine anyone? Drink to we fall over anyone? Kiss me under the mistletoe anyone? Tis the season to be jolly (*fal-a-la-la-la, la-la,la,laaa*) Yes we are having a party! To celebrate all that is good and true in Gekoland. You should come you really should… and bring some friends. We’ll play you some songs, in fact, lots of songs. All night long in fact. Until you, or we, fall over. Last man (or woman) standing, go on… I dare you. Any requests?

Be there at 8pm for the ride of your lives.

Venue: The Railway Inn
Date: Tuesday 12th December

Supporting the mighty HEY GRAVITY, with Bodyhost and Kosmonaut. Long live Hey Gravity! We are so proud to be supporting Hey Gravity I could almost wee myself on the spot. They are fantastic, and Justine… well, all I could ever dream. Please be there. If you’re not you are a LOOSER and will miss out on one of the best bands in the world. I have seen them many times and can’t believe we are playing the same night. This is a unique band and a unique opportunity to see THE next big thing. Formally M.A.S.S, with some great songs on the album ‘Revolution’, this is a treat indeed. Don’t miss a band that are like no-one else on earth.. mind blowing. Yeah and you might want to check us out too. We’re pretty good too. We’ll be performing new tracks so come and dance with us. Ah go on.

Posted by : Han X


Sorry about the lack of updates recently! Here is what we have coming up in October so far

22nd October 2006 @ Talking Heads (Southampton) OXJAM THE BIG NIGHT! A night to blow your mind. Whatever you’re doing. Stop it. Put it down. Wipe your hands. Walk away because this ladies and gents is OXJAM Southampton. Geko are proud to be HEADLING an event for the charity OXFAM @ The Talking Heads in Southampton. And this is the AWESOME line up. If you’ve not heard of or seen these bands before take time to check them out! Look at our links! We are happy to be playing alongside old and new friends with… ALPHINO LITTLE TROPHY BREAKING THE GIRL And of course… yours truly, Geko rounding off the night. A great night for a worthwhile cause, you know it makes sense. If you want to know more about this or any of our gigs in October contact the band at [email protected]

11th October 2006 @ The Railway We can’t stay away from The Railway.. Maybe that’s because we’ve been chained up in the cellar for the last few days OR maybe it’s because we can’t get enough of being on the same stage where so many great artists have been? A few months back it was Razorlight… 11th October 2006 it’s GEKO. Yeah… you know Geko? No? Sure? Ah…. Don’t worry my friends you will…. You will…

8th October 2006 @ The Railway Our good mate Jimmy Stu is in charge of an evening of musical brilliance and has been kind enough to stick us on the bill. More details to come on this event but rest assured you’re in for night of Winchesters finest up and coming talent. Bring your friends and drink beer. Or Addlestones, they do that at the Railway and trust me…, it’s the BEST. You’ll never look back.

5th October 2006 @ The Guildhall (Winchester) Geko are proud to be headlining another top night and one of Winchesters most aesthetically pleasing venues… (where does this shit come from eh…) and are extra proud to be headlining the night. Hoorah! And a glass of Pimms all round…

4th October 2006 @ Unit22 (Southampton) It’s nice to be invited to a birthday party now isn’t it? We here in Gekoland are very happy to feel like popular persons (perhaps to compensate for scarring childhood experiences of playtimes alone in a corner…) to be playing at Unit 22 in Southampton to not only sing “happy birthday to you…” but also a fair few of our own songs… and we’d like you to come. Please? You’ll have fun and if you ask Jon for a party bag, well… you never know what you’ll get…

Posted by : Jon X


We are returning to The Joiners in Southampton on Thursday 10th August along with several other bands. Contrary to popular belief, The Joiners is the premier live music venue in Southampton and is not a collection of cabinet makers and carpenters stood around filing stuff. Tickets are on sale at 4.50 and are available via this website or direct from any of us.


We are mightily pleased to be asked to play Savannahs this weekend as part of a fundraising event for a local children's charity (we all do a lot of work for charity, but we don't like to talk about it). There will be a charity auction and loads of other stuff, prefixed with the word 'charity'. There will also be a sponsored 'stare me out' competition. Possibly.
Come along and support your local community and get to hear GEKO as well. Does life get any better? Well, obviously, on a purely personal note, going to this event, then having dinner with Salma Hayek would make it better, but if she won't ask, then I am not giving in...


Our dear friends from oop north have agreed to make the mighty trek down to warmer climes in order to join us at The Guildhall Tavern in WInchester for an..unquestionably, undeniably stupendous night of...ahem..music. Karva Checkpoint are basically ace, and if you haven't heard them yet, then you need your head examining. Being from oop north, they may be confused by our southern ways, (we have tried explaining that we eat with cutlery down here and no, we don't think buses are 'revolutionary') but treat them gently because they are worth the effort. No doubt when we play a gig up north, they will return the compliment with suitable southern abuse on their website. Come along and give your mind and body a treat with KARVA CHECKPOINT and GEKO...The greatest things since...'revolutionary' transport...


We are playing at 'Alienation' on the Friday 28th July along with Little Trophy in our first jaunt across the waters to the Isle Of Wight. The venue is excellent - (check it out at www.rydetheatre.co.uk), and the music quality is always top notch at this event. If you fancy a mini break (you can call it that, and your girlfriend/boyfriend will actually believe you to be thoughtful), come on and brave the lashing winds and rocky conditions of the English Channel in deepest July. Anyone caught saying 'Ooh-Arr me hearties' or mentioning 'walkin the plank' will be thrown overboard immediately. Interested? Get in touch with us via this site. Look forward to seeing you...shiver me timbers, ship ahoy etc etc.....oops...Dammit....

Posted by : Jon X


No, thankfully this is untrue, GEKO are in fact, representing our region in the Mitchells and Butler Battle Of The Bands competition on the 27th July. If you are out sightseeing in Reading (which I think we have all done), then come along and support us. We are playing 4 (soon to be famous) GEKO tunes, plus 1 cover..to be confirmed.

Posted by : Jon X


We are going back to one of our favourite venues, The Joiners to play alongside several other bands on the 10th August. We have excellent memories of playing at The Joiners, where we won one of our rounds of Emergenza, so it will be great to return. If you would like to come along, contact us for more information...

Posted by : Jon X


We are playing the National Final Of Emergenza at The London Astoria 2 on the 30th July! This is the new 'biggest GEKO gig ever' as The Astoria can hold 2000 people which is slightly more than O Neills. This is really important to us and could lead to bigger and better things so your support is massively appreciated. If we win this, we get to play in Germany alongside people you have actually heard of!!
Full information about the coaches and stuff is on the forum, so check that out and sign up. See you there!! I think we both know it makes sense...

Posted by : Jon X


What can we say!? You guys are so amazing coming down to support us time after time. We're all a bit shell shocked still. Massive thanks to all the other bands, the standard was really high and well done the the Masters and Breaking the Girl for runners up/audience vote. We'll hope to see as many of you as possible again at the Astoria!

Other news, we now have to final masters for the Bedroom Crawl single, and have all the album tracks recorded, so watch this space for releases. Next gig is on Sunday 18th June at the Railway in Winchester

Posted by : Jon X


We won!!!! Thanks so much to everyone for all your support. The new "biggest Geko gig ever" will now be at the Wedgewood Rooms in Portsmouth on 11th June. More details to follow soon.

In the meantime, we also have gigs to put in your calander on 11th May at O'Neils again, and 9th June at the Railway in. We will also be in the studio in the middle of may to rerecord a few tracks and bring them up to the quality of the latest material. At the time of speaking, the Bedroom Crawl single is in the process of being mastered for release soon. Exciting times :)

Posted by : Jon X


A massive thanks to everyone that was there for the first round on the Emergenza battle of the bands. We came second out of 6 bands so are through to the next round which will be at the Joiners Arms in Southampton. The standard was really high so we're very happy to have come second.

Watch this space for details of when the next round will be. We are also playing the Guildhall in Winchester this coming Saturday 1st April.

Finally, we'd all like to say a massive thanks to the Emergenza staff for all their hard work with their sound engineers. Trust us, with Gregg in the band you are fighting an uphill struggle from the start! Also a huge thanks to the staff from The Talking Heads which is a totally excellent venue, and we'd be more than happy to play their again.

Posted by : Jon X


Right this is it guys. The big one! March 26th - Get that in your diary because if you are going to make 1 gig this year, in fact this centuary - You need to be at the Talking Heads in Southampton!

This is our second go at Emergenza (the international battle of the bands competition) and this time be are far better prepared! The vote is done mostly on audience participation though, so we really need as much support as we can get! Tickets are £5 advance - Email for details.

Also in March we another gig at O'Neils on the 23rd which will be a good warm up for Emergenza, and to be confirmed dates at the Winchester Guild Hall and Walkabout in Bournemouth.

Hope to see you (and your friends, family, enemies, random people you've found) in the next couple of weeks!

Posted by : Jon X


Wow! O'Neils!! You lot are mad! I've only just cleaned the beer out of my clothes! It was an awesome night though and thanks to everyone that came and especially the fantastic Alphino who rocked as always.

Coming up we are supporting The Lovebites on 15th Febuary at The Railway and we're confirmed as playing Emergenza which would be fantastic if you all were there as if we get through, we'll play the Wedgewood Rooms in Portsmouth.

Anyway, you all want to listen to new songs, don't you? Well here they are. They can also be found on the Music Page. Enjoy!


We Are What We Make

Coloured Lights

Posted by : Jon X


Thanks to everyone that came to The Cartoon, It was a great night and a fanstastic send of for the one and only Ben "Jonesie Jonesie" Jones. The good news is that we're happy to say that Rob (who many of you will remember from the Live & Loud gig) has agreed to be our new full time drummer - Cheers dude!

Gigs coming up in January include The Railway on January 12th and O'Neils In Winchester. For those of you who don't know, O'Neils is where Gregg works (if you can call it that) so I'm sure he'll be willing to get you all a drink ;)

Finally, HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone, we hope to see you loads in 2006 and keep an eye out in the very near future for website updates and more news and gigs (including our second stab at Emergenza).

Posted by : Jon X


We are playing The Cartoon in Croydon on the 22nd December. This is going to be a very special gig because it's Ben's last gig as our drummer :( After somehow graduating from university, he's moved back home while he saves up to go travelling in the new year.

I know it's a long way to travel for those of you on the south coast, but it would be a really nice send off if as many people as possible came, They'll be 2 brand new songs played for the first time as well.

Posted by : Jon X


Geko will be playing this Friday (4th Novemeber) at Bar22 King Alfreds Student Union. We are main support for The Dionysus so it should be a great night. If you haven't heard, Ben has broken his foot so we have Rob kindly stepping in at the 11th hour to help us out - Cheers buddy!!

Tickets are £4 or £3 if you have an NUS card. If you don't, please let us know and we'll get you in on the guest list.

Posted by : Jon X


OK guys, the summer may have been good to watch England winning the Ashes, but it was let down by the lack of live performances by Geko. Everybody is now back and refreshed from their summer breaks and raring to go with playing the new stuff live. First on the list is a headline slot at the Railway in Winchester on the 24th September. Tickets are £5 on the doors, but if you email us in advance, we can get you in for £4. Watch this space for more upcoming gigs including another Live and Loud at the Student Union.

Posted by : Jon X

::NEW SONGS!!!::

The songs from Mondays recording session at the Valley Studio's are now available to download on the music section of the site. The new additions are...

Stop Thief

The Thrills that kill

Bedroom Crawl

Paint the body

Also is an updated version of Junkie. Enjoy them all and keep checking back for more new things including upcoming gigs.

Posted by : Jon X


We now have a mailing list you can join which we will send you information about gigs, music and anything else to do with the band if you sign up. It's a good way of keeping in touch with last minute events or filling up the inboxes of your hated colleagues with crap. If you want to join, send an email to [email protected]

Posted by : Jon X

::WINCHESTER O'NEILS 02/06/2005::

Geko will be playing Winchester O'Neils on Thursday 2nd June along with the fantastic Alphino. We will probably be trying out 3 if not 4 new songs so some along and check them out. Doors open at 8 but it will be a late set and the bands will not start until around 10.30. This event coincides with the anniversary the world because a better place and Jon was brought screaming and kicking into the world so come along and join in the rest of the band ribbing him for getting old!

Posted by : Jon X


Hope you like the new design everyone. It is combination of many hours screaming in frustration at Adobe PhotoShop, swearing at Dreamweaver and finally getting help from someone who knows what there doing and getting it done in minutes - Cheers Luke ;) Hope you all like it, feel free to leave a message on the forum.

Posted by : Jon X